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IBC 2017のお知らせ

第19回国際植物学会議(XIX International Botanical Congress)が2017年7月23-29日に中国の深圳で開催されます.
T6-06: Early land plants: from early adopters to transformative models for citizen science engagement connecting natural history collections to biodiversity research and education, July 24, 13:30-15:30 (Monday)
T2-02: The moss tree of life: phylogenomic approaches to reconstruct moss evolution, diversification, biogeography and biotic interactions, July 24, 13:30-15:30 (Monday)
T5-15: Biological studies of mosses and algae, July 24, 16:00-18:00 (Monday)
T2-17: Biodiversity and phylogeography of bryophytes, July 25, 13:30-15:30 (Tuesday)
T1-22: Microbiomes of bryophytes, July 27, 16:00-18:00 (Thursday)
T5-09: Plant organellar genomics and phylogenomics, driven by the NGS approaches (two sessions), July 27, 13:30-15:30 & 16:00-18:00, July 27 (Thursday)
T2-27: Asian and Chinese bryology (two sessions), July 28, 13:30-15:30 & 16:00-18:00 (Friday)

ST-05: Executive Committee Meeting of IAB, July 25, 19:00-22:00 (Tuesday)
ST-06: IAB Social Event and Award Ceremony, July 27, 19:00-22:00 (Thursday)


『MOSS EXHIBITION 2023』 こけ展が開催されます

 咲くやこの花館にて、下記日程でこけ展が開催されます。 こけの作品展示・販売会やワークショップ、トークショー、 観察会と盛りだくさんの内容です。 詳細はHPをご覧ください。 開催期間:2023年1月7日(土)~1月22日(日) 会場:咲くやこの花館    (大阪市鶴見区緑地公園2-163) HP:   https://www. sakuyakonohana.jp/event/14098/ ワークショップ: https://ws-sakuya. stores.jp/